25 February 2008

Nighttime Shots

I figured out how to use the nighttime setting on the camera! Thats all.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cu-rap Joe! You know, I didn't want to tell you this because you were going there, but I've always imagined South Korea as the lesser of the two Koreas and, really, the shittiest possible Asia option outside of maybe Taiwan (eww). This is mainly because I thought that S.K. was quite modernized/Westernized/urbanized/jazzercized.
    God bless you, Joe Murphy. You've shown me that even outside the university there's old ladies and Buddhist chanting and snow. V. cool. Now I think it's a magical mountain kingdom. That makes me feel good.
    Hope you're feeling good amongst the snow-people (snow people, snow people, look like crabs talk like people). And thanks for the call! But please never do it again because I like to think that there's some places in the world farther than a phone call away, and if now S.Korea, then where Joe, where?
    Also what's up w/the sweet potato bagel? Pics plz.
