24 May 2008


This week has been 'festivals' week at Korea University, which means that the students drink on campus all week long and they have concerts. I went to Ipselenti with Wonguk (which we have given an English name... doesn't he look like a Danny Kim?)

Ipselenti is a cheering celebration, and by cheering I mean a bunch of dudes dressed up like wizards stand on stage and dance around like they were bad guys from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Meanwhile, the audience has linked arms and are completing dances in unison to songs played by a live band that sound like the intro song to Pokemon. It's hard to imagine but here is a video I found on youtube:


Here, here, and here are closeups of their costumes. The whole thing was crazy, and LITERALLY people did these same cheers (about 10-15 songs total) over and over again for a sum total of about 4 hours.

In between cheering they inserted live performances by pop stars/comedians, fireworks, and smack-talking of their rival, Yonsei University. So basically it was KU's version of Gator Growl. The final pop group to play was Epik High, which I actually enjoyed. It's hard to tell if having been here has made me crazy, and so I will find their pop songs appealing (even though I can only understand the lyrics "you. can. fly." and "can't stop... love, love, love") or if there is actually something good about these two Korean dudes. Well, I'll let you see and decide for yourself.

Love, Love, Love


After that, me and Danny went and drank beer, ate fried chick (fried chicken places here only serve fried chicken and beer), and drank soju on the grass in front of the University's Memorial Hall with his classmates until 4am.

1 comment:

  1. i like those songs, too. maybe i'm crazy as well??
    i need to impart some cantopop knowledge, though. i'll post some on my blarg.
