07 March 2008

New Acquisitions!

Wonkuk is lending me his own cellphone, which has made life much easier, as far as meeting up with people and getting around. My phone number is 010-6875-7765, and you can get me much faster in cases of emergency. Korea University cell phone charms are all the rage.

Wonkuk helped me get a nice dressy coat for the cold weather. Sad that I may not get to use it much as it seems to be warming up... but hopefully we will get a few more days of snow so I can put it to good use. It is priced at $180 but I got it for half-price! It is from Ad Hoc Paris.

1 comment:

  1. you are so freaking adorable.

    oh, and cell phone charms are hella popular here, too. don't be surprised if you get a phone call from me! :D
